From this rousing beginning unfolds Christmas Parade, a merry board book filled with hilarious characters from the one and only Sandra Boynton! Written with the irresistible rhythm of a lively marching band and illustrated with Boynton’s signature characters, including chickens with bassoons, mice with piccolos, a tiny bird with a large tuba, and a Santa rhino with a sack full of presents, Christmas Parade is a superb present for young children and families everywhere. BOOM-biddy! BOOM-biddy! BOOM BOOM BOOM… What’s that noise filling the room? I think that’s the sound of the CHRISTMAS PARADE! Run to the window! Pull up the shade!
One of our top selling products & a perfect gift.
From this rousing beginning unfolds Christmas Parade, a merry board book filled with hilarious characters from the one and only Sandra Boynton! Written with the irresistible rhythm of a lively marching band and illustrated with Boynton’s signature characters, including chickens with bassoons, mice with piccolos, a tiny bird with a large tuba, and a Santa rhino with a sack full of presents, Christmas Parade is a superb present for young children and families everywhere. BOOM-biddy! BOOM-biddy! BOOM BOOM BOOM… What’s that noise filling the room? I think that’s the sound of the CHRISTMAS PARADE! Run to the window! Pull up the shade!
One of our top selling products & a perfect gift.
All of our items are sourced with you in mind. We share high quality & unique items, in hope that it will spark a desire to bring these product home to share with others.
Be the Salt
Our mission at Salt & Acres is to go out into the world and "be the salt of the earth". We are running after the idea that we need to be good people and take good care of people.
At the Acres, we have a heart for hospitality. We hope that Salt & Acres can be the place you choose to celebrate lifes special moments and that it will create a love for hospitality in your own home.
Preserve the Moment